Sunday, 17 June 2012

Another bit of single fun!

So recently ive been loving the single fin side of surfing, so heres the next one in line and it came at the perfect time!!  

So Not only was it a single fin but it also had channels...... the first ones ive ever done...... and surprisingly it wasn't too hard....however sanding may be a different story

Monday, 11 June 2012


so a few things have happened here at NT lately, we have anew factory.....with luke hart at 4th surfboards  and some great boards have been going through...

copy of a lost round nose fish (RNF) for matt at constantine surf shop

6'8 diamond for Guy Allen 

Team rider Jordan Deans New 5'10

nice rack of NT's waiting for glassing 

Team rider Ben Bennett's new model....the benchong

i have been well into the single fins lately....heres a noce blend of newskool and oldskool  thrown into a singlefin 

So thats the recent happening at NT